Class Sizes Are Small – Seats Are Limited
Please visit our华体会真人平台online classes pageto view our currently available classes.Courses taught at our farms in Denver, CO are on hold due to Covid-19.We look forward to hosting in-person workshops again soon.JD & Tawnya
Grow Highly Nutritious Food In Your Own Aquaponic Garden


The Fundamentals of Aquaponic Gardening
New to gardening or never raised fish before? No problem!Aquaponic Basics will introduce you to the core principles that allow fish, plants and bacteria to work together in a natural recirculating ecosystem.
Our class covers all of the basic information needed to design, build, and run your system successfully. We will address common plumbing configurations, component sizing options, and give you all the tips to avoid making common mistakes.
华体会体育入口During the class you will see many different types of aquaponic systems from DIY units, fully engineered systems and large scale farms.
Join us for an amazingly informative day full of fish, plants, and bacteria!
We will cover all of these topics and much more
Tour Our Aquaponic Farms
We will take students on a behind the scenes tour of our two aquaponic farms only minutes apart in Denver.Each farm is uniquely different and we will review how the farms were designed, built, managed and how they are serving the community.

Flourish Farm at The GrowHaus

This course will introduce you to aquaponics, a farming method combining aquaculture and hydroponics to grow fish and plants together.
This comprehensive two-day course is a deep dive into the everything aquaponics including many tips and tricks we've spent nearly a decade mastering.
Create the ultimate sustainable food production system in this two-day course featuring a full weekend of greenhouse & aquaponic system design.
Do you dream of running a large scale farm for your family or community? The Flourish Farm Course covers all aspects of aquaponic farming as a business.